Check out the new Venue

Dear colleagues,


The MITOS team (a group of Greek rheumatologists trained in MSK US) are very pleased and honored to organize the 10th International  Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course for Rheumatologists, at the Radisson Blu Park Hotel in Athens, Greece, from 12th to 14th December 2024.


The course, which is scientifically endorsed by EULAR, includes basic and intermediate level training. The organization of the course follows the EULAR guidelines for sonography courses, with theoretical teaching and hands-on training. The list of tutors includes some of the most well-known experts of the field from Europe and the instructors are experienced rheumatologists who have been involved in several similar courses.


We are looking forward to welcoming you and we hope you enjoy the course and the lively city of Athens.


Dr Giasna Giokits-Kakavouli



MITOS President